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Property issues, the role of women, and the sexuality of Athenian men prohibited Athenian women from making such a bold gesture much less being able to exert any sort of meaningful political influence. But again, Aristophanes is following the great dramatic tradition of asking the audience "what if?".
             Although presented as a humorous tale, the play on the whole is quite sad. The story still gives voice to the constant male versus female battle of ideologies and sensibilities. Athens was not simply a democracy, as most modern students understand that concept. Instead, it was a patriarchy in its most extreme form. All the benefits of citizenship were reserved for men. Women could not vote, own property, testify in court, perform in the theater or attend the assembly. Numerous social theorists and cultural anthropologists have assumed that women were more than likely banned from attending major "community " events such as the theater festivals or other "male" events such as the Olympic games. Lysistrata does not cry for the loss of "women's way" but instead encourages the other women to use, literally, their sex as a weapon. She is able to see the humor in what she proposes but still forges on. .
             Lysistrata and the women accomplish what they set out to but Aristophanes does not make it clear who finally ended the actual battles between Sparta and Athens. Perhaps he intentionally left the audience wondering which side caved in first. "Who freed Athens? The blameless young heroes, Harmodios and Aristogeiton, or the Alkmeonidai with the Spartans? Were the young heroes blameless or just erotically miffed? Were the Alkmeonidai supported by Apollo's will or Apollo's venality? Thucydides is better evidence for the existence of the arguments than for the facts behind them. But whatever the facts there was something here for every taste, intrigue in high places, violence, sex in many shapes" (Forrest 240).

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