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The Power Of One


            I remember being told that each and every person does something at least once in their life that is good. When you take the time and actually think about that it makes a lot of sense, but seems a little impossible but definitely awesome. I am sure most of us do not realize how big a deal it is when you make choices, because each one has a consequences. Those consequences are sometimes good and sometimes bad. If we happen to make a choice and that outcome is bad, it not only effects us but others around us. .
             We all must keep in mind that no matter what we choose at some point it affects others. An example would be my senior class. Each of us are merely choosing the rest of our life, planning what college to go to, what to study, with hopes of being successful someday in that area. If you think about that, and wonder if you didn't go to college what would happen. In the future when you have a family will you be able to provide for them what they need like someone that chose college could. I know most of us don't want to sit down and think "What if.?" At these point in our lives, no one in my class knows for sure what the future lies ahead for us, but its that we"re taking a chance. .
             We all make choices that lead to good things and we all know ones that lead to not so good things. The choices we make are on our own. We are much like God. He alone created each and everyone of us and this world we live on, it's a great thing. He was one person that made a significant difference for all of us. If it was not for him we would not exist. .
             I believe we have the power to become great people, people that help others, and people that are genuine when it comes to the care of others. We can do anything if we put our minds to it. I heard this saying in a movie, "If the people can change, then the world can also change." I think that means that if one person is willing to stand up and make a difference, the outcome will be huge.

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