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The Red Wheelbarrow


             "narrators-, "authoritarians- and commanders. Each site had a logical, rational .
             explanation to what Williams was trying to say when he wrote the The Red Wheel .
             Barrow. More importantly, I could not find any relationship between what the sites were .
             giving as fact as to my own personal experience of the poem. Unenlightened and nave, I .
             "banked- the information from the internet into my mind. .
             My professor, the following day, commented that I had used the ideas from the .
             internet towards my first paper. "But- I said. "I cited the work-. "Yes- he said. "But did .
             you actually read it and understand it?- Professor Stanley's question caused a series of .
             self examinations that led me to ask myself, "what was my own personal experience of .
             the poem?- The evil in what I had done the night before was simple; my experience of .
             the poem was narrowed by an outside "regulator-. Education, much like critical reading, .
             should not be "a dichotomy between human beings and the world- rather a nexus, a .
             "practice of freedom-. .
             I was growing up. I came to the conclusion that the answer I was looking for was .
             not going to be stumbled upon in some reference section. To some extent, I needed to be .
             liberated. The first part of my weakness had been identified. I suffered from a lack of .
             creative input. My education in writing consisted of merely summations and .
             resuscitations. If was I going to make any headway with The Red Wheelbarrow, I was .
             going to have to visualize the roots of my problem. George Orwell, in his essay Politics .
             and the English Language, poses an interesting debate when he said, "One wants to name .
             things without calling up mental pictures of them."" Orwell is arguing that the English .
             language has developed itself to such an extreme that certain phrases and even words are .
             used but not understood. In pondering over this, I realized that the same thing can be said .
             for the reader. People will read, but will they? Furthermore, Orwell went so far as to say .

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