Then there is the judicial branch that changes and interprets law any way it sees fit. For example, the restraints on capital punishment, in the constitution it states the life can deprived from no man but the original intentions were not talking about capital punishment but about giving all rights to all people. The Supreme Court felt that it was talking about capital punishment or at least that is how they interpreted it so they changed the constitution by amendment and it has never been the same.
To put in perspective what how the living constitution is going to be the downfall of government. What if you speeding in some state, where the speed limit posted was 80 miles per hour and a person was going 90 miles per hour. When the cop pulls you over you say that there was nobody else on the road I mad a living decision on what I thought the law should be because there was nobody else out here. The same thing pertains to our government, the government will soon become chaotic because anytime a court case came through, or someone Congress decided they didn't like a law and convinced everyone else why. What is to say that they can't? .
A recent example of the living constitution was in the Clinton administration when Clinton stepped in a decided to do whatever he wanted. Instead of letting the courts figure out what the problem is and apply the so-called law, then he stepped in and decided to do whatever he thought was right rather than what are constitution had to say. This was when HUD , or Department of Housing and Urban Development, was in the court system for overstepping its bounds and there was a ruling by the U.S. Circuit Courts which ruled against HUD, so Clinton stepped in and told then to wait for the Supreme Court and take no other ruling, even though the case was supposedly irreversible. This is a very good example of why our living constitution is what is tearing apart our government.