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             According to Micheal W. Cohen says children with ADHD are normally intelligent, but they have many learning disabilities. He also discusses impulsive control and attention span usually causes the child's language disorder to prevent them from using their skills to communicate with other people normally. He also says that children cannot make a point of a story or situation about what they are discussing. Cohen also states that sleep disorders occur in over half of the cases of attention deficit disorder because the children cannot are not able to sleep and relax. Also, he says that ADHD is more common in boys than girls. The disorder is also more common in children born first (21).
             Sandra F. Rief refers to recent studies that show that the cause of ADHD is a chemical imbalance in the brain, which means the child is born with the disease. She mentions that there is no way to prevent or deplete the disease (133). The only way to deal with ADHD is with discipline, and if necessary, medication. Rief also argues that ADHD can be hereditary. She also points out that scientists have found that people with this disorder have and irregular amount of neurotransmitters between cells in the brain that are responsible for behavior and motor skills (135).
             Haber says that ADHD is characterized by a defect that impairs a child's performance in visual, motor skill, and learning skills are the factors supported by researchers. He adds that some scientists believe that biological factors can play a big role in ADHD (53).
             Colleen Alexander-Roberts stipulates that heredity, a child's surroundings, the mother's pregnancy care, or trauma throughout a child's life can be factored into reasons causing a child to have ADHD. She also states that a child's food intake and diet can also be factors of ADHD (23). She.
             further states a child with ADHD does not have a normal sized brain. She says that doctors cannot prove that the brain is smaller at birth, but they are positive that the child's brain is not at normal size when the child begins school.

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