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The Internet And International Business


On the site, such things as contacts can be listed. Phone numbers, addresses, and email addresses can be shown, as well as fax numbers, for those who do not feel comfortable with new technology. Orders can actually be produced right over the Internet. For someone in England who might want to buy a comic book from a site in the United Sates, the Englishman has to check to see if the book is available, and if so, he/she can place the order right through the site. Any reputable site will offer secure processing of a credit card in payment for the order, and also take such details as name and address for the item to be shipped to. For those who are not comfortable with giving out their card numbers over the Internet, companies usually provide fax and phone numbers to call to have the order processed. The idea of inventories being constantly updated is of great benefit to companies that may be short of cash. The notion of "just in time" inventory can be accomplished through use of the Internet. If a company in Canada needs materials to fulfill an order for a customer, it can check the website of a Massachusetts company, and if the items are available, it can order the materials right on the spot. This means that the Canadian company does not have to tie up its money in excess inventory, which can be very expensive to store. In a recent article from www.chematch.com, the first online option contract was transacted on www.chematch.com. Chematch.com is a leading global Internet exchange for the selling and purchasing of bulk commodity chemicals. This first option online trade involved mixed xylenes, used in the production of polyester products. In this transaction, the Chematch.com member is able to purchase the right to sell or buy product for delivery at a predetermined date and at a defined price. If the option to buy is exercised, the product will be delivered. This differs from a financial option, where physical delivery is not a part to the agreement.

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