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The Gospels And The Audience


E. for at least Matthew and Luke. With this in mind, we can begin to understand that at least two of the four Synoptic authors possibly wrote these books within the same 40-year span. This is where the synoptic problem was introduced. It is an investigation into the existence and nature of the literary interrelationship among the first three synoptic gospels. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called the synoptic gospels, in contrast with John, because they can readily be arranged in a three-column harmony called a synopsis. .
             The synoptic gospels share a great number of parallel accounts and parables, arranged in mostly the same order, and told with many of the same words. Any proposed solution to the synoptic problem, therefore, must account for these literary similarities among the authors, not so much in terms of their factual content, but in the selection of that content, the arrangement of the material, and wording of the parallels.
             This is the cornerstone of historical critical scholarship of the gospels. The triple tradition is material that is common to all three of the Synoptic Gospels. Almost all of Mark's content is found in Matthew, and about two-thirds of Mark is found in Luke. The triple tradition largely consists of narrative material (miracles, healings, and the passion) but also contains some material on sayings. Some people question, however, if there is even a synoptic problem at all. .
             The foremost book of the New Testament is Matthew. It was believed that this Gospel was written probably between 80 C.E. and 100 C.E. It was written by Matthew, to clearly illustrate that the "King" has arrived. Matthew, a Jew, was very literate. He was a despised tax collector who later changed his life and lived completely for Jesus and became one of His" twelve disciples. Matthew directed this Gospel to his fellow Jews 60 C.E. to 65 C.E. to prove that Jesus is the Messiah and to explain God's kingdom, which He holds in store for all of man.

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