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A student had to always be open and observant. A student could train to be a Priest, a Bard or an Ovate. The Bards were the keepers of tradition through oral art. After basic training they would study grammar for twelve years. They would memorize hundreds of stories, poems, and philosophical proverbs. They would keep the history of the Celtic people and were considered to be very important to society (2,5). The Ovates were the sorcerers of the Druid order. They were the healers of the Celtic people. They specialized in divination, conversing with the spirits and prophesising the future. They practiced magic through the powers of nature. The most advanced Ovates were said to be able to control the weather, levitate various objects including themselves, and change their shape into something else, most commonly a crow (2,5). The Priests formed the professional class of Celtic society. They were the teachers, the ambassadors, the astronomers, the philosophers, the theologians, the scientists, and the judges. They led all public rituals, which were held within fenced groves of oak trees. They were not mediators between man and god. They served as guides of wisdom and directors of ritual. Each Celtic person has his or her own connection with the devine (2,5). Women were allowed to become Druids as well. The female Druids were held in the same regard as the male Druids. In Celtic society, women could own land and rule a tribe. The ancestry was traced maternally and women were able to divorce their husbands. The strength of the Celtic women can be seen in Boudicca. She was one of the first people to lead a revolt against the Romans in Britian (3,4). Druid magic is the result of an in-depth awareness of nature, and the spirits and gods who live in nature. A Druid must be able to understand the language of nature and absorb its ever flowing wisdom. All other wisdom follows from that. The main principle behind their magic was to appeal to the gods for a particular service in return for an offering.

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