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The Effects of Attachment Styles on Relationship Functioning


Also, Feeney and Noller (1990) argued that secure people are more successful in love relationships because their relationship length tends to be longer, and they have low scores on "unfulfilled hopes scale". Feeney and Noller have found out that anxious people are emotionally dependent and they rely on their partner too much. They often have relationships that are less enduring and they have strong desires for commitment. It is also noted that avoidant people have low scores on love scales and they avoid intimacy. They evaluate the intensity of their love experiences as low and they report never being fallen in love.
             Likewise, Brennan and Shaver (1995) studied attachment style differences and dynamics in adult couples such as relationship satisfaction and partner-matching, using seven scales to provide a picture of the ways in which the attachment styles differ from each other as well as the ways in which they relate to specific behaviours in adult relationships. Results indicated that there was substantial association between attachment dimensions and relationship satisfaction, as is the case in the other studies which I am to discuss below. .
             The first essay this paper aims to explore in detail is the pioneering work of Hazan and Shaver, "Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process" (1987), which aims to examine the possibility that the attachment theory may be a determinant factor in adult romantic love. In the article "Romantic Love Conceptualized as an Attachment Process," C. Hazan and P. Shaver compare the three types of attachment styles proposed by Ainsworth (1987) to see if they also apply to adult attachment and love styles. This work is pioneering because since then, no study ever attempted to conceptualize romantic love by Bowlby's attachment theory nor by the attachment styles developed by Ainsworth. The major aims of Hazan and Shaver are to show that there are different kinds of love experiences for different people in the three attachment-style categories, and to show that subjects" working models of self and relationships would be related to their attachment style.

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