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The First World War


France, a plentiful and sturdy country, in pursuit of the best for her nation with the most personal and persuasive reason to achieve her needs and goals. Her revenge on Germany came out of pure intentions, for the loss in the Franco-Prussian War was seen as an embarrassment and a sign of weakness. Russia, a vast piece of land, a lot of different cultures, a fierce and passionate nation, protecting her countrymen in the land of Serbia, under the power and oppression of Austria-Hungary. She stood against cruelty, however in search of a warm-water port was forced to imply that brutality, which in my eyes could not be avoided. Italy, weak and delicately fragile, but nevertheless a significant aspect to the cause of the war, joined against the countries of Britain, Russia and France in order to increase her chances of gaining possession over more land, as she was promised by the Great Powers, including Austria-Hungary and Germany. Seemed as though every nation had a problem of its own to deal with, some argued over boarders, some maintained their position of supreme control over countries which earned for independence, some could not face reality and admit that someone had overtaken the title of "Industrial Giant".
             Every country, before 1914 had a crisis or some difficulties of its own. No nation can be labelled as the ultimate cause for the First World War. Fundamental facts, such as internal political progress and problems that occurred within that movement, should always be considered, because wars never start just like that. All the countries, mentioned above were in pursuit of personal ambitions, which linked them with others, which had similar interests and so on and so forth. Therefore, a chain of events, reactions followed after someone decided to do something vital, something which could be classified as immensely of great consequence. Every little detail, every element of the conflicts and problems in the beginning of the 20th century should be noticed, observed and studied if we are to understand how the war came to life.

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