The motivation for the start of the expedition can be primarily attributed to Gold, Glory, and God (Riley, 10/2/03). These factors were motivation for the Spanish monarchy, all participants in the conquest (whether of minor or major importance), and especially for Cortés himself. For the monarchy, there was the desire to obtain more land, achieve the goal of spreading the Christian religion, and to obtain more material goods and wealth in the process. For any Spaniard involved, there was the issue of opportunity, and Spaniards were opportunistic, especially on an individual basis (Riley, Lecture Discussion, 10/07/03). Their participation in a successful conquest could assure them some funding and land that would be in their control. For Cortés, it was a chance to establish himself with a name in Spain, and perhaps a more prestigious position. The conquest of the Aztecan state would also provide him with honor as well as fortune to pursue either more conquests or a luxurious and lifestyle, respectively. (Riley, Lecture Discussion, 10/02/03). .
As far as motivation of God, everyone was thought to benefit. Because Church and State were one under the crown, there was a grand mission to spread the word of Christianity, and even convert non-believers. If people worked in the name of God, they believed they would be blessed with a longer life and a better after-life. The Spaniards also believed that everyone who held religious faith were stronger, and more strength allowed for more fervor in the conquest; as a result of reasonable performance these more desirable lives and after-lives would certainly be obtained (Riley, Lecture Discussion, 10/07/03).
Military strategy was also a large component to the success of the Spaniards. Due to the Reconquista in Spain, the Spaniards had established themselves well militaristically and were prepared as fighters. They also had an edge in their military due to the facts that they had more advanced weapons and supplies than the Aztecs.