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The Death Of Jesus


             Matthew portrays the death with more detail and emotion than Mark had. Mark describes everything in the story with words that are more powerful than the words Mark used to describe the events. An example would be that where Mark just states that someone ran to Jesus and gave him vinegar to drink; Matthew says that the person "at once ran (Matt. 27:48)." Even the though the difference is minimal Matthew's paints the picture totally differently. He makes it seem right then that people are ashamed for what they have done and they want to rush and try to make it up to Jesus before he dies. Mark and Matthew also both begin the same, with Jesus asking his God why he has forsaken him but changes in the story change slightly right after Jesus breaths his last breath. Matthew begins describing that not only did the curtain the temple had torn in two but he describes an earthquake which opened the tombs of deceased saints and they were miraculously brought back to life. Out of all four gospels Mark is the only one to discuss an earthquake that caused people to rise from the dead. Scholars believe that he may have been trying to show what will be happening in the Final Judgment . Matthew depicts more people than just the centurion recognizing Jesus as the Son of God. This may be because he is trying to indicate that many non-Christians will now acknowledge his death . .
             Luke's portrayal of Jesus" death is concise compared to Mark and Matthew's versions. Unlike Matthew and Mark he illustrates the curtain in the temple tearing before Jesus" death. Also he never mentions any of the "natural phenomena's, " such as the earthquake in Matthew's rendition. He also changes the famous speech Jesus cries out right before his death. Instead, "Jesus, crying with a loud voice, said "Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit!"(Luke 23:46)." Instead of a person wanting to help Jesus by giving him a drink of vinegar Luke writes earlier in his gospel, "soldiers also mocked him, coming up and offering him vinegar (Luke 23:36).

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