However, after she has an abortion she could suffer from psychological damage and hurt any others that are around her emotionally and physically just by realizing that she killed her child (Effects of Abortion) . .
The woman can suffer in many other ways. After she has an abortion she could start abusing alcohol and hurt the people around her with violent behavior, divorce, separation, auto accidents, and job loss. She could also start abusing drugs, which can cause someone to get HIV/AIDS infections, get addicted, and could possible lead to assault of people at work, on the streets, or in her family (Character of PAS). Some women could suffer from post-abortion stress which is associated with eating disorders such as binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia nervosa (Character of PAS). Post-abortion stress is linked with increased cigarette smoking. Women who have abortions are 44% more likely to develop nervous disorders, along with the 36% that experience sleep disturbances, not to mention the 31% of women that regret their decision and wish they could change it (Character of PAS). The results of a Canadian study reported that 25% of women that had an abortion went to psychiatrists compared to the 3% of the control group (Character of PAS). Women who have an abortion can face depression, replacement pregnancies, and reduced maternal bonding. These are all things that can happen to a woman if she decides to have an abortion (Effects of Abortion). .
Second, it isn't fair to the fetus inside the mother's womb. The unborn fetus has the right to live. There is an option involving unwanted pregnancies that could save unborn fetus from being killed. This option would be giving the newborn up for adoption to another person or people who aren't able to have children because of some complication. This doesn't hurt anyone because the woman who doesn't want to keep the baby gives it to another couple or person who wants a child.