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The Crucible


             Deputy Governor Danforth is the judge. He believes the girls are telling the truth.
             Meanwhile they are accusing the women whom they do not like. Proctor gets Mary Warren to.
             testify against the girls. When Mary Warren enters the courtroom, Abigail and the other girls.
             start to scream that she is sending her spirit upon them. Mary then afraid, accuses John Proctor of.
             sending his spirit out upon her.
             John is now accused of being in with the devil. He discusses the possibility of lying in.
             order to save his life. Danforth wants him to sign a confession. This way it will show the.
             townspeople that the witch trials are valid. John does not want to sign the confession because he.
             doesn't want to incriminate his friends or sign his name to a lye. He is then put to death, but.
             retains his good name and pride.
             The book was very interesting. It leaves it to the reader's imagination to fill in what is .
             really going on in the courtroom. I personally don't enjoy reading and I found it very hard to put .
             the book done. My favorite scene was in the courtroom and the girls are repeating everything .
             that Mary Warren is saying. To imagine what is going on in the judges and in the girl's head .
             made the play more interesting. As I read it gave me chills to read what would happen next. .
             The movie on the other hand was great. It helps give a face to the characters. It also .
             showed threes scenes which the book didn't focus on. The first scene I will discuss is found at .
             the end to the book as Act Two, Scene Two. Abigail and Proctor meet in the woods and he more or less tells her what he will do in court the next day. It was his way of protecting and giving her .
             the chance to confess or get away. The next scene that wasn't in the book was when Abigail .
             goes to the jail to visit Proctor. She does this to see if he would leave Salem with her so they .
             could be together. She states that none of this was supposed to happen to him. They were .

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