As well as being applied where needed it would also apply where unneeded therefore taking some of the trust away from those that have, as a matter of fact, earned much trust. This makes the theory X managing style slightly unusable in this situation.
The next style would be the Theory Y managing. Theory Y managers believe that those working for them are happy to be working and enjoy their jobs. They also believe that their employees are always willing to get the job done and do it with much motivation and excitement. These managers put much more trust into their employees and believe that they are willing to do what is best for the company with little or no coercion. This style of managing promotes associate participation and allows for growth and addition into the company. .
When applying this theory of managing to a grocery store there must be caution for some employees are still lacking in wanting to be there. There are thankfully some employees who are happy to be working and will gladly get their jobs done with enthusiasm. This theory would be Ideal for a grocery store atmosphere due to the fact of the happier the cashier the happier the customer. For example if you have a cashier that has a bad attitude and that is doing a poor job the customer will remember that image when coming back in the future, instead of the cashier that is friendly and upbeat that is doing a good job. So that makes it harder to decide which theory is best yet still. If you change the surrounding environment at the store it will also make the cashier feel better about working there. Thus making it easier to manage the front end of the store. Unfortunately there are still the employees that are reluctant to enjoy their job and therefore bring down the atmosphere slightly. .
The theory Z manager is one who trusts the employees 100% and doesn't question their motives in the least. This theory as nice as it may sound is very unlikely in a grocery store atmosphere.