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             By 1973, Jack Niles, a rocket scientist working for NASA, introduces the term telecommuting. He continued to help organizations to set up telecommuting programs. By the year 2000 telecommuting is considered mainstream. Currently, more companies are implementing the telecommuting system and the concept is expanding throughout the world.
             Although is difficult to know the exact number of today's telecommuters, surveys show the increase to be about 20% of today's workers. The latest survey performed by OTAC Survey shows the numbers of telecommuters from 1999 to 2001 as follow,.
             "1990: 3.4 million.
             1994: 9.1 million.
             1997: 11.1 million .
             1998: 15.7 million .
             1999: 19.6 million.
             2000: 16.5 million regularly employed telecommuters, 23.6 teleworkers (includes work-at-home and occasional telecommuters as well) .
             2001: 28 million teleworkers" (_________).
             The International Telework Association and Council conducted a survey in 2001 about telecommuters. The results showed that one in five American workers are telecommuting during that year. Another survey conducted by Chaners in-Star Group showed the increment to be 19 millions in the year 2000, and they projected 32 millions by the year 2001. (________).
             Despite the difference in their results, all surveys showed an increment of telecommuters. .
             According to the Oregon Office of Energy report City of Portland gives Telecommuting a Thumbs Up Following a Six-Month Test, supervisors found that telecommuting improved employee morale, increased effectiveness and boosted staff productivity. They attributed the benefits to an improved environment with fewer interruptions. Portland Mayor Vera Katz added to the report that," Telecommuting is one more way government can help citizens get more for their tax dollars, while helping the environment at the same time. This is the kind of innovative solution to maintaining livability that Oregon's been known for". The report goes on to say, " Because telecommuting reduces the work commute, it can conserve fuel, relieve traffic congestion and improve air quality.

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