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Teens And Alcohol


Once this drug is consumed, it intoxicates your body. It immediately begins to affect your bodies organs.
             Brain and the central nervous system is affected because alcohol depresses it ability to function. Alcohol slows down the process to react and think. The brain and central nervous system basically controls our bodies functions. If we intoxicate them, it causes slurred speech, lack of coordination and blurred vision. It interferes with motor skills, muscle function, reaction time and eyesight. It impairs your judgment to function so that you may find out later that you did things you would not have normally done. Such as have sex, drive drunk and even try other drugs. Drinking causes the brains supply of oxygen and lack of oxygen leads to blackouts and temporary amnesia. So the next day you may not remember you had unprotected sex or even got into a fight with someone or nay have even killed someone. This is why people die from drinking. Because people are intoxicated do not have the ability to judge because their brain can not function correctly. They either fall asleep at the wheel or are so impaired they just do not know what is going on. They have no judgment. Not only does it affect your brain and nervous system right away it causes them to have long term damage so that even when you are not intoxicated you still have poor motor skills. It can even lead to strokes and other problems, even causing people to have to live in a mental hospital.
             Your liver is affected because you are poisoning it. The liver oxidizes what you drink, it changes alcohol to water, carbon dioxide and energy. It can only oxidize about a half ounce of alcohol an hour, because of this it allows the alcohol to keep traveling through your bodies organs. It causes your liver not to able to break down the fats. When your liver can not do this, it causes a condition known as fatty liver. With the increased amount of fat left, it prevents the normal function of the livers cell.

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