One idea, described by Out & Lafreniere, is that teenagers "engage in unprotected sex because of a personal fable concerning pregnancy: 'It can't happen to me'" (2001). It is proposed that adolescents believe in the notion that they are indestructible and untouchable. In light of this, many adolescents get a 'wake-up call', so to speak, when their actions are met with consequences. In speaking with teenagers about pregnancy through means of sex education in schools, Mack notes that many girls "think it's cool to get pregnant. It's a grown-up thing to do" (1997). For girls of this age to regard pregnancy and the raising of a child as "cool" shows that: "adolescents simply lack the developmental capacity and maturity to engage in the rational decision making process required for effective contraceptive use" (Mack, 1997). It is also believed that: .
For some teens the prevalence of risk taking, combined with a sense of infallibility about immediate and personal consequences, could easily override their inherent (but undeveloped) logic and their perception of negative consequences. (Mack, 1997).
It is apparent that taking responsibility of one's self and possessing decision-making capabilities are characteristics that have not been developed fully in these teenagers, and rightfully so. Adolescence is a period in which these characteristics are only beginning to develop. Self-esteem levels may be low and communicative ability is limited. These factors may shed light on why teenagers engage in sexual activity as if to show they are ready for adulthood, instead it shows the opposite. .
The majority of research done on teenage parenting seems to focus on mothers. This may be attributed to the fact that women are the ones who must bear the child and most commonly are the primary caregivers. It is important that when young men and women enter the realm of parenthood, they have self-confidence and adequate parenting know-how in order for the child to prosper and grow.