One of the studies covers the subject wholly is that of Racodi , who calls four basic capital types for coping with the overwhelming financial burden. Namely, they are; social capital, physical capital, political capital, natural capital and human capital. Physical capital includes the production equipment and means, which enable people to continue their lives. Natural capitals are natural resources like water, land and other environmental resources. Social capital stands for social network and political capital, based on access to decision-making processes, which is an outcome of the relationship between local people, local institutions and external political bodies. Both the quantity and quality of labor resources available to households are subsumed under human capital.
According to Racodi, Households may respond to economic stress by resorting to low-return activities, increasing participation rates, or increasing returns to their labor by increasing its productivity. If the household before economic crisis takes precautions they live through fewer difficulties. These precautions are; investment, substitution of one asset for another, disposal of goods like land or jeweler, sacrificing children's ability to earn adequate incomes in future by withdrawing them from school because of inability to pay fees or need for their labor force. .
In addition to belongings' management decisions, household strategies are also made up of consumption reduction. In food security aspect for example: sufficient and nutritionally adequate food should be consumed on a regular basis throughout the year. They should be able to satisfy basic needs for a socially acceptable quality of clothing, clean drinking water and a sanitary environment; secure livelihood, yielding sufficient own produce and/or income to purchase necessities, including basic curative health care and to meet the cost of education to the desired level for a household's children.