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Survival Strategies Under Structural Adjustment In Rural Turkey


In order to create this surplus, IMF offers a reduction in the value of local money, which enables the export to climb. However, a decrease in the value also results a relative increase in the prices of imported products and creates a deprivation among the population. Moreover, one of the key strategies of IMF for coping with the inflation is reduction of consumption. For the sake of this, IMF offers introduction of new taxes added on the products. (KDV is one of the best examples) Since these new taxes are not depending on the income levels, most of this new financial burden is burned by the lower strata of the society. .
             Parallel to this international trend Turkey benefited from the long-term loans of IMF and WB and made several stability agreements with these institutions. Since agricultural sector provides Turkey's largest employment (40%), regulation about the agriculture hold an important place in all of the agreements.
             Before starting an investigation about the structural adjustment in agriculture, a brief analysis of Turkish agriculture is necessary. According to 1991 agriculture census data-which is not changing dramatically from the 1950's- 99% of Turkish agriculturalist has less than 20 hectares. Therefore, it can be argued that the dominant feature of Turkish agriculture is petty commodity production, mainly based on family labor. Erdost classifies four main turning points in the development of present picture; 1) the abolition of AÞar 2) the opening of new lands for cultivation 3) factors that increase the productivity (fertilizers, mechanization and introduction of irrigation) 4) periods when the peasantry has been influential enough to press to state to increase state monopoly prices of agricultural products. (Erdost, 84: p.85) Actually after the abolishment of AÞar, Turkish agriculture did not exposed to any direct taxes.

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