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Legality Of Abortion


             and morality of abortion. But basically there are pro-life people and pro-choice people. People who are .
             pro-choice believe that women hold the right to abort a pregnancy, but people who are pro-life believe that .
             abortion is wrong and unjust to the fetus. When pondering issues surrounding abortion, many questions come to .
             mind. Is a fetus a human being? Is abortion physically and mentally safe for women? And finally, should abortion .
             be legal? It is only after exploring these questions can a person justify their position on abortion. A major .
             question which strikes at the heart of abortion legality and morality is: When is an embryo considered a life or .
             human being? Many people argue that life begins at the point of conception. Bonnie Steinbock, an author who .
             considers herself an expert on fetuses and their legal rights, says, "Conception is the joining of the male and .
             female sex cells which have twenty-three chromosomes each." The process of conception takes twelve hours, at .
             which time the egg is completely fertilized and becomes known as a zygote. Distinct and unique characteristics of .
             a person are determined at the time of conception. After the time of conception, until death, nothing will be .
             added or removed from the genetic make-up of an individual (200 Steinbock). In other words, everything .
             physically and chemically is determined shortly after the point of conception. Being alive means that an object .
             grows, develops, and matures. A zygote, from the time of conception grows, develops parts of its body, and .
             replaces its own dying cells. The heart of the zygote begins beating just eighteen days after conception (198 .
             Steinbock). This is often well before the mother even realizes that she is pregnant. After three months, all of the .
             fetus's organs are formed and all of the bodily systems are working. The fetus can swim, grasp a pointer, move .
             freely in the womb, and excrete urine. If a doctor injects a sweet solution into the fluid surrounding the fetus, the .

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