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            Socrates has been called the greatest philosopher of all time. and is one of the most intriguing philosophers of.
             all time. Intriguing, but also confusing and misunderstood. Many later philosophers would claim that Socrates was their inspiration. To many.
             religions, he was a man of God. Socrates always said he was devoted to his country, but was killed in 399 B.C. as a traitor.
             Socrates' life reflected everything that he taught. He was what is known as an integrated person. An integrated person knows what they.
             want and why. They have a good idea of who they are and what is important to them. But does anybody really know who they are? And how.
             can one ever be sure if they found out? How would you know? These are questions too complex for our minds. This was a lot of the problem.
             Socrates struggled with. Who he was and how should he live. From that we have his motto "know thyself", something the whole world is.
             striving to do and has been for centuries.
             Another of Socrates' teachings was that basically beauty was on the inside, not always on the outside and that people should be judged.
             for who they are and what good qualities they posess. Socrates himself has been called the ugliest man in Athens. He often joked about his.
             own appearance. It is true that a person can be so ugly, but if you get to know the person and see the good in them, you can look past their .
             appearance and eventually not even notice it. Sometimes when you grow to love somebody like that, they may even start to appear beautiful in.
             your eyes. Socrates was attracted to beauty, but did say he'd rather be with someone with a good sould rather than a pleasing body.
             Socrates had a very unique, perhaps somewhat annoying (to some) way of teaching and learning. Socrates asked a lot of questions.
             He would answer questions with questions. His pupils would end up doing the same. It was his way of getting more precise information and .

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