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Social And Political Bases Of Terrorism


These cells use the social reform movement to legitimatize their actions. They exploit disparities in order to: mobilize forces, recruitment, gain war wearied public support, and acknowledgment by the dominant government. As a result the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was formed in the early 1900's as a response to four decades of Unionist social discrimination against Catholics. .
             Social division's increases ethnic group solidarity. "This solidarity helps the group to justify the use of bigotry and portray the opposing culture as evil- (Bryne, Cater 1). With social discrimination continuing in Northern Ireland, social revolutionary groups such as: IRA, Provisional IRA, Real IRA, and Sinn Fein will continue to gain community support and exacerbate its legitimacy of violence and the role of consent in disposing of Northern Ireland hostilities. These groups accept the social divisions as a method to prolong its use of terrorism. It's a powerful equalizer; it's an expression of political strategy against British loyalist when diplomacy and negotiations fail. "The Northern Irish conflict is troublesome because of the socio-economic issue and is further complicated by religious and national identity crisis- (Rose 60-127). The conflict between the IRA and the British loyalist openly publicizes discrimination and social division, which increases the acceptance of the IRA. Terrorist groups take advantage of the tension to reinforce violence, owe legitimacy and community support. "Bloody Sunday- is a good example. .
             Bloody Sunday is named after the events that occurred on Sunday 30 January 1972. "It was a protest march that had been organized by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA). It was a protest against internment and against the ban on the right to march. British soldiers shot dead 13 men and injured 14 others. The killings took place in the predominantly nationalist city of London Derry- (BBCi 1).

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