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Therefore we can say that the social values in the ad are growing up with Pepsi exactly how the boy who entered the house of the Pepsi cult grew up with it.
             The ritualistic representation of the created religion gulping down Pepsi as part of their routine represents the ritualistic manner that consumers drink Pepsi. And that doesn't just go for Pepsi. We can look at it on a broader scale and see the ritualistic manner in which consumers go about CONSUMING anything. According to a dictionary a ritual is described as a detailed method of procedure faithfully or regularly followed: And gives the example of "My household chores have become a morning ritual." And we could say that a part of the household chore would be going to do the weekly shopping trip to the local supermarket. Therefore we can say that the ritualistic representation of the Pepsi religion on the advertisement compares with the ritual that we follow every week when doing our shopping. And in that repeated routine we consume, and hopefully for the Pepsi Company, a carton of their drink would be included in our trolleys. .
             The film language is used in a number of ways. It is used in costume, music, camera angles and light. On a nice bright sunny day, the religious members go about their consumption of Pepsi. This lighting associates Pepsi with freshness and gives an energetic vibe. Contributing to this energetic vibe is the colour of their costumes. Why yellow? Well when we see a huge patch of yellow, aren't we taken aback by the immense brightness, aren't our eyes given a shock of an awakening. The Repeated yellow costumes influence the audience to keep watching. They are a visual endorsement. Bright=active and active is associated with the consumption of Pepsi on a sunny day. And the advertisement wouldn't have the same energetic vibe any other way. The close-ups of the Pepsi lid symbol, gives the audience something to think about.

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