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Cloning of Mammals


However, instead of inserting this embryo into a surrogate mother, its cells are used to grow stem cells. These stem cells can be used as a human repair kit. They can grow replacement organs, such as hearts, livers and skin. They can also be used to grow neurons to cure those who suffer from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or Rett Syndrome. *.
             Here's how therapeutic cloning works: .
             DNA is extracted from a sick person. .
             The DNA is then inserted into an enucleated donor egg. .
             The egg then divides like a typical fertilized egg and forms an embryo. .
             Stem cells are removed from the embryo. .
             Any kind of tissue or organ can be grown from these stem cells to treat the sick.*.
             If human cloning proceeds, scientists plan to use somatic cell nuclear transfer, which is the same procedure that was used to create Dolly the sheep. In a real life Scenario, in 1996, a marvel of modern science occurred in Midlothian, Scotland. Dr. Ian Wilmut did what most scientists believed impossible. He created Dolly, the first mammal to be cloned from an adult. The actual birth of Dolly did not occur until February of 1997, and when the announcement came there was widespread controversy all over the world. Not wanting to be outdone, the United States countered the creation of Dolly with one of their own. They inserted a gene from a jellyfish into the DNA structure of a monkey, effectively turning the monkey's fingernails red. While this doesn"t seem like too big of an accomplishment, primates are the closest genetic relatives to human beings. After these acts were announced, the public became worried.* .
             Somatic cell nuclear transfer begins when doctors take the egg from a donor and remove the nucleus of the egg, creating an enucleated egg. A cell, which contains DNA, is then taken from the person who is being cloned. The enucleated egg is then fused together with the cloning subject's cell using electricity. This creates an embryo, which is implanted into a surrogate mother through in vitro fertilization.

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