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Sex- Actions And Reactions


            SEX- Actions, Feelings, Reactions- In the Past Century .
             Sex, just like any other action that is taken, is perceived differently depending on the person, place and timing. Everybody have there own reasoning's, most of which are logical, as to why they perceive sex, or any kind of sexual intercourse for that matter, the way that they do. Anything from looking a certain way and talking a certain way, to kissing, touching, oral pleasures and "signing the deal", "going all the way" or "making your way to home base" acquires different types of responses from anyone you ask. When in the 1920's giving someone a single peck in public, or even just around someone you knew was considered obscene and almost unheard of, to now 2002 where people can practically where nothing aside from "pasties" to cover their nipples and a short skirt to just barley cover there bottoms or even to flipping the channel or going to a private party or even a club and seeing people at the least making out, all the way to "bumping and grinding" (dancing) to "doing the deed" in front of people. Like everything else in today's world, things have changed, dramatically; they have done a full turn around from 1900- 2002. .
             From 1900- 1909, sex was an almost unheard of pleasure. The pleasure of sex was strictly for those who were married, for there were no questions if anyone unmarried engaged in any form of a sexually activity. People of this time period, weren't as knowledgeable about sex, or anything for that matter. For example, neither heterosexuality nor homosexuality appeared in the Webster Dictionary until 1909; at which point Homosexuality was described at being "morbid sexual passion for one of the same sex". A small 12% of American women engaged in sexual activities before marriage. "America believed the purity of women, whether it was good for them or not. Men had sexual appetites, women did not. For both men and women, sexuality was separate from romance" (Peterson, 10).

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