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Sex ED


             The abstinence only programs teach that what they expect are for teenagers to engage only in faithful monogamous relationships in the context of marriage ("Abstinence"). They not only teach children that the effects of sexual activity are physically harmful but also psychologically enduring. Many of the programs ignore the benefits of different contraceptives. Instead they choose to emphasize the failure rates and side-effects of many contraceptives("Abstinence"). To one this may appear to be a deceitful approach in which they are only showing one side of the truth. According to the Centers for Disease Control surveys less than half of US schools provide students with the information about what condoms are and how to use them (Lite). According to Tamara Kreinin, president of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. "Manipulating facts abut condoms is using a scare tactic to try and get kids not to be sexually active" (Morse). Another consequence of withholding the full information from youth is promoting their ignorance of their own safety. If they don't get the proper education of protecting themselves from their schools, where else are they going to get it? .
             In several reviews conducted by the US Surgeon General in 2001 and another by the Committee of HIV Prevention show that the abstinence only programs have little to no effectiveness ("Abstinence"). These results are saying something they are saying that this abstinence only approach is not working. Now for the government and schools to go on and continue to use this ineffective approach seems ridiculous? Doesn't also in return teach our children to follow ineffective ways of living? Denying young people the full and accurate information about sex, contraception, and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases puts them at needless health risks. Now by withholding this information couldn't one say that this approach is creating a sense of distrust and lack of respect between some of society's most important institutions and youth? The teaching of this abstinence only approach may appear to some as a deceitful and non-caring way of educating the youth of America.

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