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Sexual Harassment


             submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or .
             condition of an individual's employment or academic advancement or submission.
             to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for .
             employment decisions or academic decisions affecting such individual or such.
             conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's.
             work life or academic performance or creating and intimidating hostile, or .
             offensive environment."" (Colatosti and Karg, p. 8).
             Another issue that the EEOC addresses in the circumstances where the employer is liable for sexual harassment. According to EEOC guidelines, the employer is held liable if the harassment occurred between co-workers and he/she knew or should have known about the harassment, unless the employer can show that he/she took immediate action to stop the harassment. More interesting, an employer can also be held responsible for sexual discrimination against other employees if they were denied a promotion or other opportunity because it was granted to someone based on the fact that the person complied with the employer's advances. The employer is liable even if the victim does not incur any financial burdens or is not fired because of the harassment (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission [EEOC], p. 1-2). These rules are all designed to hold the employer responsible for creating a non-discriminatory workplace.
             Sexual harassment falls into two categories or types: quid pro quo harassment and hostile environment harassment. Quid pro quo harassment is the type of harassment that deals with proposed exchange of "one thing for another."" In this case, someone in authority in the workplace propositions the victim and his/her compliance has an effect on his/her terms of employment (Colatosti and Karg, p. 8). Considering the proposition has to be made by someone who holds the power to hire and fire, the harassers are usually supervisors (Bureau of National Affairs, p.

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