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Sexual Harassment At Work


Nothing in the law prevents dating, as long as it is done in a reasonable manner that respects a co-worker's dignity and wishes. Office romances are not unlawful, as long as both employees welcome the relationship. Another misconception is that anything can happen in the workplace as long as there is no physical contact with another employee. Sexual harassment can result from any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Many types of sexual harassment involve no touching, but they are offensive or intimidating to the employee. Sexual harassment results from a misuse of power and it's not always from sexual attraction. Numerous cases of sexual harassment involve anger and abuse of power. Many men express their resentment and try to claim control when they view women as their competitor. If sex discrimination forces women into lower-paying jobs, sexual harassment helps keep them there. This may not be the intention of the harasser in every issue but it is often the effect. Male workers who harass a women on the job are doing more than annoying her, they are reminding her of her vulnerability, creating tensions that make her job more difficult and making her hesitant to seek higher paying jobs where she may see the tension as even greater. There is no typical harassed woman. Women of all ages, backgrounds, races and experience are harassed on the job. The consequences to the individual employee can be many and serious. In some situations, a harassed woman risks losing her job or the chance for a promotion if she refuses to give in to the sexual demands of someone in authority. In other situations, the unwelcome sexual conduct of co-workers makes the working conditions hostile and unpleasant by putting indirect pressure on her to leave the job. Sometimes the employee is so traumatized by the harassment that she suffers serious emotional and physical consequences. Prior to the 1980's there were no federal or state laws prohibiting sexual harassment on the job.

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