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Abortions And Its Side Effects


             I would like to emphasize that abortions can cause serious emotional and health problems.
             I will write, first of all, about, the emotional side effects people deal with after having an abortion, next, I will explain why and how an abortion can damage one's health and body, or as said, the physical side effects and lastly, I shall end with the religious consequences after a woman has an abortion. .
             I just need to say one more thing before I end this introduction, and this is what I would like everyone to remember, that, since you have had get rid of it, it doesn't mean that the side effects won't remind you of the fact that- it was, once a part of You!.
             Dr Vincent Rue and Speckhard, in their writings about abortion, they emphasize that the psychological effects of terminating pregnancy should not be underestimated and that, although abortion may indeed function as a "stress reliever" by eliminating unwanted pregnancy, in most of the cases, as side effect, appears depression, a huge feeling of guilt and shame as well as trauma and psychosis. .
             One study found that "56% of women felt guilt after the procedure and 26% said they mostly regret the abortion." Some times, women have abortions and then carry such guilt with them that when they do want to get pregnant, they are not capable to because of the psychological stress associated with guilt. Susan Borg (a writer and psychiatrist) said: "in case of selective abortion, there is a grief for a wanted child, worries about future pregnancies, ambivalence about abortion itself and guilt- terrible guilt." These feelings may lead to more serious grief responses as well as depression and to serious psychological disorders such as major depressive order and post-traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD).
             Another combination of feelings women experience after an abortion are shame and anger. "The shame comes from the looking back at the experience they have just been through.

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