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             "Las Meninas" was painted by Diego Velazquez in the year 1656. It is oil on canvass and measures at 10'5" by 9'1". Velazquez seemed to be the kind of painter that could find the silver lining in everyone. "Las Meninas" is a portrait of the princess Margarita, daughter of King Phillip IV of Spain along with her maids ladies-in-waiting. It was painted during the Spanish baroque. As I mentioned earlier, this painting is a combination of genre scene, group portrait and self portrait. It is considered by some to be the greatest painting in western art. It is now found in the Prado in Madrid.
             Peter Paul Rubens painted "Allegory of the Outbreak of War" in 1638 during the Flemish baroque. It's is about 6' 9" by 11' 4". He was considered the greatest of the Flemish baroque painters. Ruben's muscular figures were based off of Michelangelo's style while his devotion to minute detail was of northern influence. As a man, Peter Paul Rubens well educated, wealthy and well liked. This painting however was his most powerful and personal work. Having seem so much war, he used his works to present his feeling on war. It portrays Mars moving forward to bring chaos to the world as Venus tries in vein to stop him. This piece currently hangs in the Pitti Gallery, Florence.
             "Las Meninas" is a beautifully painted work. Not only is it considered Velazquez" greatest painting, it is considered one of the greatest in history. That's a very impressive statement. Perhaps what makes it so impressive is the artist's drive for optical realism. The forms are suggested through loosely applied paint. Also what makes this painting interesting is that nothing is emphasized, and nothing forced. Our eyes take a calm stroll through the painting, wandering from character to character in an arc like path from Velazquez, dipping down to the lowest point being the princess, and completing the arc, the eye travels back up with the girl to the right of the princess.

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