Raymond James Stadium is located in Tampa Bay, Florida.
population base in this area, as well as it being a favorite among vacationers. People, .
especially families, go to this area to experience such things as Busch Gardens .
and Legends Field, the Yankees training facility. This clientele lends itself to making .
the stadium a family-oriented environment, and is one of the main reasons a $3 .
million dollar pirate ship is being built within the stadium. Vice President Bryan .
Glazer stated "We"re in theme park central; we wanted to make something that would .
fit in with Disney and Universal." (1) By doing this they hope not only to draw avid .
football fans, but the citizens of Tampa who want to enjoy a day out with their .
families. Another positive aspect of Tampa's marketplace is its close vicinity to an .
airport. This allows opposing teams" fans the opportunity to travel to Tampa and see .
their team face the Buccaneers. Since Tampa is already equipped to be a tourist area .
this stadium fits in perfectly to its setting.
II. Financial Planning Process.
The financial planning process is a very well thought out plan in which one .
takes into consideration future income and expenses. There are various different .
aspects that go into this long process. The first thing an organization or company .
looking to build must do is gather data. As is the case with Raymond James Stadium .
attendance is a key number in determining future income and expenses. The Tampa .
Sports Authority, which was building Raymond James, also owned the old .
Buccaneers stadium, Houlihan's Stadium. Having done this they had access to all the .
attendance figures from years past. In between 1996 and 1997 attendance had risen .
63%, from 333,350 to 543,504. (2) This led them to believe that with a state of the art, .
modern stadium, they could keep these attendance figures at the same level, which .
would generate a lot of income.