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Racial Profiling


Many are hard working, well-educated individuals who deserve to be treated with the same respect as white citizens .As a result, many think that minorities can't afford the pricy, materialistic items like other social class citizens. Hence in order for a minority to live in upper class they must be doing illegal work or something of that nature.
             In addition, many of the stories that have came up recently on the local news with policemen and encounters of beating, shooting, and arresting local citizens mainly consists of males, of African American and Mexican heritage. There is the incident with the boy shown on video being punched in the face by a police officer in California, while he was handcuffed. And another was of the man in Baytown who was killed by a police officer for an unknown reason. Thus, a more recent update is the Brazoria county judge who was using racial slurs.
             As a result, Mayor Greg Nickels states in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that he plans to address racial profiling by adding video cameras in every squad car, holding quarterly community forums and improving police training. But he modified the council's plan on data collection, choosing to collect information from all traffic stops on a continued basis rather than for just one year. He also says that he will combine that data with what citizens say during quarterly community forums and biannual citywide survey of attitudes toward police.
             Furthermore, many school aged kids to young adults witness to being a "suspect" of racial profiling in shopping malls, department stores, gas stations, and even grocery stores. Many teens speak on being felt like they have no rights and that they want some kind of halt to the categorization. Various of individuals speak on how every time they walk into a store they"re being followed by a store clerk who thinks that if one person of that race does it they all do. Meanwhile its not just youth who adhere to this type of treatment, but its majority of black males as a whole.

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