How is that threat accompanied with globalization Globalization as mentioned before implies no borders especially to the flow of money and information resulting in a decrease in the autonomy of the governmental administration. The economic factors are guidelines for the governmental framework. And in a global market the investment within a country is not limited to its citizens, yet foreign investors do enter the market affecting the governmental policies as much as the citizens do if not to a higher level. The threat imposed by the foreign investors comes in the sense that the government is so dependent on their investment to the extent that if they take their investment else where will lead to the crash of the economy, this will lead the government to comply with all their demands. A good example of this is the Asian crises last year. Furthermore, the government can not take any action based on its own self-interest it has to cooperate with other countries in decision making. This firstly creates a conflict in needs and wants between the countries, and secondly it shows to what extent other governmental decisions are affected by out side influence, illustrating deeply how week a government can be. "The importance to most countries of a relatively free flow of international trade has led them to transfer powers over trade restrictions to super national bodies " (Dunning 93). This cooperation between countries is not limited to simple unsophisticated decision levels, on the contrary nations get so much involved into the framework of other nations especially in the starting phase of globalization. At that period their is a level of intervention dealing with the countries economic development, what is the priorities of the government in socio-political developments. Will they eventually lead to the elimination of the nation identity? Samir Amin argues that this clash of communities, and cultures is what hindering the process of globalization, he adds to that this difference in norms and culture is what limiting us from controlling the future of the human race (Amin 72).