Is America really that powerful to other nations, and do we have them in the palm of our hands when it comes to war? Would any country in this world do exactly what the American government told them to do just to avoid harsh consequences?.
An additional event that really made me question the American government was the current conflict in Iraq. I was sitting in my study hall class senior year watching CNN. During the news casting they showed the Americans taking down the large statue of Saddam Hussein in front of one of his many palaces. The American soldiers first placed an American flag in Saddam's hand, then placed an Iraq Flag in his hand. The fact that the soldiers placed an American flag in his hand first was very symbolic. The soldiers should have never done that. That symbolized the American soldiers thinking that Iraq was now in the hands of America. But, it was now in the hands of the Iraqi citizens and not Saddam anymore. The American flag showed some selfishness that the American soldiers had at the time. These events lead me to my final I-Search question, which is, does the American Government take advantage of being the most powerful country in the World?.
I believe that I am not the only one that is in search of this question. This question pertains to not only American citizens, but also citizens of other countries. Could there be a true answer to this question or is the answer going to be based on all beliefs and opinions? I was determined to find different opinions and as many facts as I could possibly find. .
A hard part about finding the answer to my question is that many Americans are going to be biased about this question because many tend to believe in our country. Although, not every American citizen feels that the actions the government has taken are right, it would be hard to get their voice heard due to the large number of people in this country.