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Articles of Confederation


There was not a set constitution for the United States, but rather a different constitution for each state. Each state also had their own monetary system and different ways of enforcing laws. Because of the lack of uniformity, each state had a stronger commitment to their own government than to the recommendations of Congress. Also, each state competed against each other instead of working toward the betterment of the entire nation. Examples of this are when Rhode Island voted against the establishment of an outpost because it was against their own state constitution (Doc. A), when each state made a tariff policy for the importation of goods, and the different values and types of money from state to state. States sometimes refused to give the government the money it needed, and they engaged in tariff wars with one another, bringing interstate trading to a halt. .
             The Articles did not establish a system of money that would allow for the levying of taxes to ensure commerce. The economic stability of the United States was rattled during this time because population was increasing while economic progress was not made. Because of this, the economy of the United States was not growing and the country could not pay off the war-debts from the Revolutionary War (Doc. B). Soldiers of the War rebelled against Congress for the inability to pay them for their fighting. An example of this can be seen when soldiers marched on Philadelphia, and Congress had to flee to Princeton, New Jersey (Doc. C). .
             The self interests of states and individuals were also a result from the Articles. An example of individual greed can be seen when John Jay tried to create a treaty with Great Britain that would have paid off the war debt but would not have helped merchants. John Jay had his own agenda and the benefit of his state was not of matter (Doc. D). Because of self interests of states and individuals, the unity of the nation disappeared.

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