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By the simple expansion of a multimillion-dollar corporation, democracy can be instituted in countries operated by fascist dictators or iniquitous tyrants; instead of facing oppression, citizens' lives are dramatically improved by gaining the right to choose. Basic freedoms, like those held by Americans, are guaranteed unconditionally and cannot be abused without the entire world knowing. With globalization, the promise of a better lifestyle becomes available to destitute civilians. .
             World peace can be achieved through globalization. During the Cold War, the world was engulfed in a game of "us- verses "them- ¯whichever superpower could gather the most countries, develop the fastest technology, threaten other nations with nuclear warfare, or walk on the moon first would win the race to superiority. Although no actual bloodshed took place, a sense of panic and hatred overcame participating nations; beating the opponent seemingly remained the only worthwhile cause for nearly half a century. When the Cold War ended in 1989 with the falling of the Berlin Wall, not only did Germany unite; globalization was introduced, establishing trade between nations: "Two nations who traffic with each other become reciprocally dependent; for if one has an interest in buying, the other has an interest in selling; and thus their union is founded on their mutual necessities- (249). Globalization has shifted the world's focus from aggressiveness, isolation, and confrontation to free trade, democracy, and capitalism; what used to be "opponents- during the Cold War are now considered "global business partners- in the world economy. Each country has a different skill to offer, and when a country must take from a neighbor and give to another a more connected, peaceful world emerges. Superpowers such as China now realize that fighting only leads to the downfall of their country and its economy.

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