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Democracy In Iraq: A Plan


             For these reasons, the process of creating a democracy is not just going to be about a governmental shift, but will need to contain an entire shift of Iraqi societal ideals in order for the democracy to survive. We will not be attempting to change the Iraqi culture or belief structure within the society, but more or less changing the conditions of the people who hold these ideals. .
             To begin with, there need to be drastic changes made to the economy of Iraq, so that the country may be able to prosper, and its people along with it will gain wealth, and create a strong middle class. In order to do this, the basis of the economy should not remain steadfastly dependent on the oil market as it is now, but the people should invest in other areas as well, and open up free trade with other nations. If the marketplace is more open and encouraging to the people who would be entrepreneurs, there is a better chance for a flourishing market, and therefore a more stable economy. There have also been suggestions that there could end up being corruption if the government becomes to wealthy itself off the sale of oil, and perhaps the oil market could take a lesson from our own Alaskan oil market: direct payments from oil revenue would go to the Iraqi people, as the revenues from Alaskan oil go to the citizens of Alaska. This would show the American people and the world that this entire project of Iraqi Freedom was truly about giving the Iraqi people charge over their own lives (Lawson 4). This change to the oil market along with the broadening of the rest of the economy would give the Iraqi nation the financial strength needed to sustain most democratic governments, without allowing said government to become corrupt as a result of wealth. .
             Aside from creating a stronger nation within the world economy, the population of Iraq needs to become a stronger whole within itself. The people of Iraq suffer from bitter disputes due to divisions among religious and ethnic groups.

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