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, keeping everything in balance. This would have a huge domino effect on the earth, we would not have enough food for everyone, our natural resources would be gone, and water what about water. We already have some issues with water supply. That would be gone. .
             Genetic engineering also leads into the issue of designer babies, the making of the super baby, everything and anything a parent could ever possibly want in a child. Blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, dark skin, athletic, smart, and most importantly perfect. This is where genetic engineering is leading too. The creation of a super human that can withstand any type of disease and will be able to resist any and all disease, this is a very scary future. .
             My definition of cloning, is the making of an exact replica of a living or dead mammals, scientists in past few years has been experimenting with cloning and in February of 1997 they where finally successful. Ian Wilmut at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland successfully cloned a sheep named Dolly from the utter cells of a ewe. They used a technique called somatic - cell nuclear transfer, this will be the technique that will produce the first human clone. As of now, the cloning of human beings are illegal (in the United States) but it is bound to happen one day. And the way I believe scientist will try to justify their right to clone is, that it will enable same sex marriages to have children without the use of an outside donor. And also (like genetic engineering) create super humans that will be able to withstand all sorts of diseases, and be stronger and faster than the rest of us.
             My problem with the whole cloning issue is that who are we to tamper with the way children are born and created. Some people aren't meant to have children, and if it where meant for two women to have a child it would have been made so. But once humans begin tampering with the creation process, we are bound to see some horrible things happen.

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