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Child Sexual Abuse


18 Reno has argued for what amounts to unprecedented and unconscionable interpretations of the exiting child pornography laws in order to prevent the Supreme Court from declaring such laws unconstitutional. This is a smokescreen to conceal the real agenda " the legalization of child pornography under a warped and depraved interpretation of the First Amendment.19 In spite of Reno's peculiar vision of the attorney general's duties and her appalling record,ii she has enjoyed nearly universal acclaim as the Clinton Administration's star Cabinet member.20 [I'll tell you about my childhood conspiratorial experience I had with Janet Reno if you ask.].
             Sex offenders everywhere need to be exposed, regardless of their age or station in life, so that the public can know of their activities and take steps to protect itself against them.21 To report one abuser is perhaps to save scores of future victims.22 The typical child sex offender molests an average of 117 children, most of who do not report the offence [National Institute of Mental Health, 1988].23 Thomas Fox estimates that the "average pedophile priest abuses 285 victims."" 24 The percentage [of] pedophile priests remains controversial; AW Richard Sipe, one of the leading experts, estimates around 6%.25 One in 11 American Catholics say they have "personal knowledge- of child sexual abuse by a priest, according to the first national survey of Roman Catholic opinion since revelations of abuse cases began sweeping the country.26.
             The sexual abuse of children by priests has caused scandal around the world, and Catholic dioceses have been forced to pay millions of pounds in compensation.27 Until recently, lawsuits by alleged victims usually were settled quietly out of court, and police and prosecutors often were content to give church officials leeway to handle discipline internally, lawyers said. "In the past there was a minimum level of scrutiny to anything the church did because it was presumably acting in the best interests of people,"" said the Rev.

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