The following five elements explained that once Quebec secedes from Canada each element would virtually stay the same, as it was when Quebec was part of the Canadian Confederation. The Interim Constitution element described how a temporary constitution would be enacted on the day Quebec gain sovereignty until a valid constitution could be empowered. The interim constitution according to the Bill "must ensure the continuity of the democratic institutions of Quebec and of the constitutional rights existing on the date on which Quebec becomes a sovereign country." The Other Agreements element stipulated that the sovereign nation of Quebec "is authorized to conclude with the Government of Canada and other agreement to facilitate the application of this Act." The last element of the Bill simply stated unless the National Assembly choose to extend the negotiations, they would not proceed past October 30, 1996.
The 1995 Referendum Question included two essentials for Quebec sovereignty, the Accession to sovereignty and the treaty . The accession to sovereignty expressed that Quebec would be permitted to declare their secession from Canada once negotiations with the Canadian government were completed. However, if for any reason the negotiations failed, Quebec would be permitted to declare sovereignty immediately. The treaty would allow a sovereign Quebec even without a successful negotiation with Canada, access to customs union; the free movement of goods, individuals, services, and capital; authority over monetary policy, labour mobility; citizenship; environmental protection; and international representation.
The 1995 Referendum Question and Quebec Bill 1 were designed by the three separatist political parties in Quebec to give la belle province complete control over itself as a separate nation from Canada. Upon examining the Bill, it was evident that if the referendum question was returned with a majority yes vote, Quebec could virtually decide if it wanted to secede from Canada or not on its own terms and accord.