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Genetic Engineering


The results were that characteristics such as the color of a pea flower and the height of the flower were inherited from both parents. Dominant genes from either side determine the formation of these genetic traits. This theory is but part of what genetics is made up of these days, but Gregor Mendel still came up with the first real insight to genes and how they work and are manipulated.
             In 1977 the first real triumph of genetic engineering was the production of a hormone called "Somatostatin". It is a small molecule about 42 bases long, which meant that scientists were able to produce the hormone chemically. This hormone is usually produced in the pancreas. The E coli bacteria was then used as the host for the synthetic gene simulation which would eventually produce a hormone exactly the same as the body produces. This sort of experiment was a great breakthrough worldwide for it now allowed scientists to attempt to manipulate the human body cells. .
             When genetic engineering first gained its popularity in the early 21st century, its intent was to alleviate hereditary diseases and birth defects. As research went on and technology improved, scientists found that not only could they do what they had originally intended, but much more. By the year 2025, parents could choose what gender their next child would be, as well as other physical characteristics, such as eye and hair color, etc. Much emphasis was later put on trying to boost intelligence, but no work was ever proved satisfactory in this attempt. However, as more and more of the engineered generation.
             came into being, society changed radically. It should be pointed out that the only country where genetic engineering took off big was the United States, while the rest of the world tended to shy away from the idea, some countries even going so far as to outlaw the practice. However, the hype caused the basic fabric of American society to change.

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