The typical family no longer consists of a brick home in the suburbs with two and a half children there are many single parents out there who maintain a career as well as raising a family.
I think however the biggest Stereotypical image on our screens today has got to do with culture. Most movies and TV series stereotype cultural backgrounds. For instance, if you see a group Asian men you can bet your bottom dollar that they are Martial Art Experts (Romeo Must Die). Furthermore Italians are always linked to organised crimes (The Soprano's) and terrorism and War are linked with Russia (Air Force One) or Middle Eastern Countries. These stereotypes mislead the viewer's true representations of these different cultures because TV and Cinema have a huge impact on how we as a society see each other. .
As a film and television enthusiast I have seen many types of Stereotypical behavior on our screens. Take for instants Australian television in the 70's and 80's. Most dramas like A Country Practice and even Neighbours depicted middle aged woman as homemakers who cook, clean and look after the kids. Also men were stereotyped and Aussie blue collared blokes who drank beer and hung around a pub after work with their mates. These images are not true representations of Australian life, as Australian people are becoming further educated and are more independent. The typical family no longer consists of a brick home in the suburbs with two and a half children there are many single parents out there who maintain a career as well as raising a family.
I think however the biggest Stereotypical image on our screens today has got to do with culture. Most movies and TV series stereotype cultural backgrounds. For instance, if you see a group Asian men you can bet your bottom dollar that they are Martial Art Experts (Romeo Must Die). Furthermore Italians are always linked to organised crimes (The Soprano's) and terrorism and War are linked with Russia (Air Force One) or Middle Eastern Countries.