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In 1940 William Sheldon came up with the theory of body types and certain characteristics that each body type has. According to Sheldon endomorphs have a happy personality and are secure with their appearance. That is somewhat true for me. I have a very happy personality but I"m not very secure with my appearance. Nowadays it has been said that endomorphs are unhappy with their appearances. This may be because when Sheldon first developed his theory it was normal for people to have an endomorph body types, but today it isn't as common. The fact that most of the time I am unhappy with my appearance means that sometimes I can be very self conscious and not very confident. This also causes me to hold back from doing certain things. Although, I can be very outgoing, I"m not always very risky. This also means that I probably have a high amount of MAO in my body. People with high amounts of MAO tend to shy away from things, while people with low amounts are more wild and risky. That it definitely not me. .
             Another thing that proves that nature influences what type of person I am is genetics. A lot of characteristics seemed to have been passed down to me in my family through genetics. For example, almost all of the women on my mom's side of the family have high stress problems, myself included. We worry about everything and anything. Genetics is also proven by the twin study cases. It cannot be just a coincidence that twins that have been separated so long have so much in common. It must be in their genetics. .
             Nature also impacts the type of person that I am because of my personality type. According to the personality wheel I am mostly Sanguine but I have a few Choleric and Melancholic characteristics. From the Sanguine section of the wheel the characteristics that I mostly have are sociable, outgoing and talkative. I am a very sociable and outgoing person and I always have been. I constantly am talking, even sometimes when I should not be.

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