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Interaction And Communication Between Parents And Babies Through Touch


It's recommended to perform the massage at least half an hour after the baby has eaten at when he/she is calm as well as the parent (Make Way For Baby! 1999-2001). The massage itself "flows- from head to toes with minor pressure. The pressure used should be about the same as the pressure one can put on closed eyelids without irritating the eyes (Make Way For Baby! 1999-2001). Parents are encouraged to look right into the baby's eyes as much as possible and allow themselves to talk freely to their baby (Make Way For Baby! 1999-2001). Also, it is good to remember that baby massage is not to be a mechanical process. The order of which body parts to massage can be irregular (International Loving Touch Foundation, Inc. 1999). Of course, all this may not always be possible when the baby is cranky, so parents should not get discouraged and simply try again when the baby is in a better mood (Make Way For Baby! 1999-2001). .
             The importance of touch between parents and babies is immense because it is developmentally necessary. It has effects on both the mind and body. Much of the child's future development depends on the touch he/she receives at an early age because it is a "primal need- (International Loving Touch Foundation, Inc. 1999). But even before the child reaches those stages he/she as well as the parents benefits from the family bond which is strengthened by touch (Jane Sheppard. Healthy Child Online 2000). A healthy baby needs quality touch frequently to even have a chance at a happy future. .
             What and how much is communicated to babies with touch? Evidence supports the theory that there are physiological changes in a person (such as respiratory patterns, skin temperature, perspiration, and pulse) as they experience different emotions. These changes are believed to be felt by babies when they are touched (Hertenstein 2002). Consequently, there are a number of communicative functions of touch on babies.

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