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Hitler Youth


             Nazi's from their early days expressed their belief in the fundamental importance of controlling the education and training of youth. Hitler stated in Mein Kampf: " It is precisely our German people, that today broken down, lies defenseless against the kicks of the rest of the world who need that suggestive force that lies in self-confidence.But this self-confidence has to be instilled into the young fellow-citizen from childhood on. His entire education and development has to be directed at giving him the conviction of being absolutely superior to others. With this physical force and skill he has again to win the belief in the invincibility of his entire nationality. For what once led the German army to victory was the sum of the confidence which the individual and all in common had in their leaders. The confidence in the possibility of regaining its freedom is what will restore the German people. But this conviction must be the final product of the same feeling of millions of individuals." .
             This extract from Hitler's autobiographical text "Mein Kampf" states simply that if the ultimate objectives of Nazism were to be realized then the youth; the fathers and mothers of the future, would have to be raised as a racially proud generation determined to weed out impurities and the "racially inferior" such as the Jews. This in turn will create a racially pure "master race" capable of ruling Europe.
             The Early Years (1925-1932):.
             The first stage was to establish an organization which could help to transform children into obedient Nazi followers. At a party rally in Weimar in July 1926 Hitler established the Hitler Jugend (HJ) or Hitler Youth, with Baldur von Schirach as leader. By 1933 the Hitler Youth had 55,000 members. However at this time youth groups were very popular in the Republic and the Hitler Youth represented only 1 percent of all organized youth. By the end of 1933 however, the only legal option for young adults wishing to join any youth group was the Hitler Youth as all other groups had been banned from existence - with the exception of Catholic youth groups who were temporarily protected by a concordat signed by Hitler and the Pope.

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