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Uniforms for the maintenance staff were provided as far as two SLSP tee shirts were provided along with a SLSP cap. Blue jeans or khakis, that are not excessively dirty or full of holes, are used as leg wear. Shorts are not allowed as for safety reasons. The use of alcohol while on the job is not permitted, as is the use of tobacco while in a state vehicle or in a state building. .
             Clientele Profiles - Steamboat Lake is referred to as a destination state park. What this means is that it is in a rather obscure location and is therefore not generally visited by people taking a spur of the moment camping trip. As would many of the urban state parks. Being that SLSP is a destination park a vast majority of its visitors are either families with young children or retirees with huge RV's. Both of these user groups have a greater need for the convenience that a well-developed state park has to offer. Convenience such as flush toilets, a laundry/ shower facility, and electrical hook ups at a number of the sites. There is even talk of eventually offering phone lines at some sites, in order to facilitate for internet access in the great outdoors.
             Budget and Funding Cycle - The funding cycle for state parks begins with each calendar year. Each park makes a bid for a certain amount of funding each year, and receives a lesser amount based on how much money accounting feels the park needs in order to get by for the year. SLSP received $48,933 for Operating in 2002. In this budget the pay for the seasonal employees is included, however full time employees are paid through the States budget. SLSP received $43,419 for Utilities. A significant portion of this money goes to running the parks own water treatment system as well as it's wastewater treatment facility. The total budget allotted to SLSP for 2002 is $94,399. .
             Pearl Lake State Park (PLSP) being that the lake itself is not half the size of Steamboat Lake.

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