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             Many homeless agencies out there have been very successful in giving these people what they need, like housing and other essential needs, in-fact there was a study done on how effective homeless agencies were and the outcomes where very good. The article said that after about 9-11 months after leaving a shelter, most were able to find a house. On the down side of that was that they were spending about 40+% of their income on their house payment ( Glisson, Thyer, and Fischer, 2001). There are other agencies that provide training so that people are able to go out and get a good job and also provide training in-order to be able to support a family. The programs that help to support families that focus most on how to take care of kids, cook, clean, and to provide for them. In many cases there are now women that have come to the realizations of the working world and many of them want good jobs and have the skills for that but they do not have the money to look nice for the interview. Agencies have started realizing this and try to provide these skill to both women and men alike.
             On the other hand there have also been terrible things that have been associated with the homeless communities. Mortality for example, the mortality rate in Philadelphia is 96 deaths per 1000 people a year in 1994(Hibbs, Benner, Klugman, Spencer, Macchia, Mellinger, and Fife, 1994). That is more than any other classification at that time. Because of the diverse nature and needs of the American homeless population, individual organizations are not able to provide the range of services necessary for survival to them, but there are more and more agencies that outreach and try to meet those needs. As Fabricant (1988) notes, "Municipal shelter, public welfare centers, and nonprofit agencies have been unprepared to meet the needs of the homeless."( Miller and1 Scott, 1995).
             Now because of the needs of homeless people they face poor health (physical, metal, or both) are now the common characteristics of homeless people.

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