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            "On the Brow of the Hill", explains how divorce has been the plague of many families lives. Children are often not accredited for being able to think for themselves in situations of divorce. The aftermath of divorce usually leaves the children unprepared for what lies ahead of them in their future. Both sexes of children are affected differently when coping with a family divorce.
             Children are often not accredited for being able to think for themselves in situations of divorce. Many parents may feel that kids are unaware of their surroundings. Children are competent enough to detect that there is a problem within their family. Parents sometimes will post- pone telling their children about the divorce they are experiencing. When I was younger, my friend would tell me that he noticed that his mom and dad were acting differently towards each other. Parents may think that kids minds are not developed enough to recognize problems within the family. This may be the reasoning behind the last minute notification of divorce to children.
             The aftermath of divorce usually leaves children unprepared for what lies ahead of them in their future. Throughout a greater part of the interviews, you are told that most children that went through divorce, entered adulthood as worried, under achieving, self- deprecating, and sometimes angry men and women. According to the two authors, many teenagers felt abandoned, physically and emotionally. One feels that many of the divorced parents do not consider the fact that they are setting their children up for emotional destruction. Children that grow-up parentally neglected, may not have the basic components of Tender Loving Care to pass down to their offspring.
             Both sexes of the children are affected differently when coping with a family divorce. The authors expressed in one of their interviews that younger women found themselves struggling with anxiety and guilt.

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