After taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator many of the ideas I had about learning and.
According to the indicator my personality type I am extraverted with.
intuitive perception, I use thinking judgment and perception to learn and explore new ideas. By.
understanding this I can apply this knowledge to study habits and techniques that will best.
prepare me for testing and learning required material and how to perform best with others.
including how I can apply these skills to daily life.
The indicator pointed out many traits and descriptions that fit my personality and the.
ways that I have learned throughout my education. Some particular characteristics that the.
indicator pointed out that I thought were incredibly on point with my personality were that I was.
analytical, inventive and a planer of change. I am constantly striving for change weather I know.
what the consequences are or not I am always looking for change and ways to achieve new.
things and ideas. Another point is when growing up I was constantly analyzing things, so much.
to the point that my grandparents joked around that I would be a lawyer someday and that is.
actually the career I am pursuing.
Other aspects of the indicator that I strongly related to were: "Autonomy, Elbow room,.
Openness," and "flexibility and adaptability." When I apply these traits to my work place.
behavior it becomes clear that this is the personality type that best fits me. When at the work.
place I feel that I work best when managing myself, when I have the room to plan my schedule.
and actions and work at my own pace or on ideas or interests that grab my attention. I focus on.
many things at a time and often find it hard to complete all of them however the tasks that are.
finished are done to the best of my ability and skills. Additionally I am flexible and adaptable. I.
like jobs that require the use of many skills i.e. lifeguarding. In this job I am required to rescue.